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Primal Quest® Announces Continued Sponsorship with Zanfel® for 2018
Saturday 10th February 2018
For Immediate Release
Primal Quest Inc.
2366 Gold Meadow Way, Suite 200
Gold Meadow Way, Gold River, CA 95670
Primal Quest® Announces Continued Sponsorship with Zanfel® for 2018
Sacramento, CA – February 8, 2018 – Primal Quest is pleased to announce ongoing sponsorship support from Zanfel Laboratories, Inc. The maker of Zanfel® Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Wash has been partnering with Primal Quest® for over 10 years.
Beyond having a premium product, Zanfel has clearly demonstrated its commitment to its customers, Primal Quest and the sport of Adventure Racing for over 10 years. ‘Zanfel is proud of its long association with adventure racing, sponsoring teams and events. Great athletes and great events that represent us well.’ – Dan Boelman
This partnership has become a long-standing tradition. ‘Primal Quest is not only grateful to have the support of Zanfel over many years but we appreciate the ideals of the Zanfel company in addition to their product. It is this key alignment that keeps tying us together.” – says Maria Burton RD
North America’s Premier Expedition Race is set for competition in British Columbia Sept 6-15, 2018, in Canada for the first time. Navigating over the coastal mountain range, teams of 4 run, bike, paddle and climb together over 450km.
Details regarding Primal Quest® sponsorship opportunities: maria@primalquest.org
For more information about Zanfel®: www.zanfel.com
For additional race information: www.primalquest.org